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New Users: You are being re-directed to the NYC Identity Management page of the City’s website to create an account and password. This account and password will allow you access to CROL as well as other City government services through After validating your account via e-mail you will then be directed to the enrollment form for CROL to set up personalized notifications for your areas of interest.

If you have already created a user account through please log into your account to set up your notification preferences.

Previous CROL Users: In order to access your previous notification settings, you are being asked to revalidate your registered account on our new site. You will need to complete the sign up process using the email linked to your former account.
Note: During sign up, if you receive a message that your “email address is already in use,” go to log in, and click the “forgot password link.”

Disclaimer: Pursuant to Section 103 (2) of the New York State General Municipal Law, New York City Charter Section 1066 and the City of New York Procurement Policy Board Rules, The City Record is the official paper of the City of New York. It is published each weekday except legal holidays. The print edition of The City Record is the official publication for the following notices: public hearings, meetings, court notices, property dispositions, procurements (solicitations and awards), agency public hearings, agency rules, and special materials which include changes in personnel. This electronic version of The City Record is offered solely for the convenience of readers.