phone: 718-403-8373
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Contract Public Hearing will be held on Friday, February 02, 2024, at 10:00 AM. The Public Hearing will be held via Conference Call. Call-in #: 1-917-410-4077, ACCESS CODE: 269 296 407.
IN THE MATTER of a Purchase Order/Contract between the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications and Blenderbox, Inc. located at 228 Park Avenue S, Ste 92796 New York, New York 10003 for MyCity Design System - Phase 2. The amount of this Purchase Order/Contract will be $1,000,000.00.
The term will be 1 year from the Notice to Proceed. CB 2, Brooklyn. E-PIN #: 85824W0076001.
The Vendor has been selected by M/WBE Noncompetitive Small Purchase Method, pursuant to Section 3-08 (c)(1)(iv) of the Procurement Policy Board Rules. In order to access the Public Hearing and testify, please call 1-917-410-4077, ACCESS CODE: 269 296 407 no later than 9:55 AM.
Pursuant to Section 2-11(c)(3) of the Procurement Policy Board Rules, if DoITT does not receive, by January 26, 2024, from any individual a written request to speak at this hearing, then DoITT need not conduct this hearing. Written notice should be sent to Danielle DiMaggio, NYC DoITT, via email to