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Title: Purchase of Meter Transmission Units
Environmental Protection (DEP)
Customer Services
clara Technologies LLC 77 Westport Plaza Drive, St. Louis, MO, 63146
Sole Source



This is a Sole Source Agreement with Aclara Technologies LLC for the purchase of approximately 139,636 Meter Transmission Units (MTUs), for the total amount $14,995,664.20. Aclara is the sole source manufacturer of the Meter Transmission unit that works exclusively with the Aclara fixed network Automatic Metering Infrastructure system. The Department of Environmental Protection reads and bills water meters through our Automated Meter Infrastructure System (AMI). The AMI system consists of 575 Data Collector Units (DCU’s). Water meters are installed in over 800,000 properties across the city and are connected via a wire to a Meter Transmission Unit (MTU). The MTU transmits the reading to the DCU, data is sent back to our network so we can bill our customers on actual consumption. The Bureau of Customer Services requires additional Meter Transmission Units to install, repair and maintain our network so we can continue billing each property on an actual reading.

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