WHEREAS, New York City is establishing the New York City Racial Justice Commission (the “Commission”), the first commission of its kind in America, to push forward changes to the City’s Charter based on racial justice and equity; and
WHEREAS, the Commission is expected to focus on significant structural changes to the powers, structures, and processes of New York City government that underlie sources of inequity; and
WHEREAS, the Commission will be informed by the Administration’s existing and ongoing work, including the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity, and a vision grounded in the recognition that centuries of slavery, segregation and anti-Black racism have created structures and informed institutional systems that impact all New Yorkers; and
WHEREAS, the Commission will seize the transformative potential of this moment in history to identify the structural changes and significant policy reforms that will advance racial justice and equity and begin to dismantle structural racism for all New Yorkers; and
WHEREAS, the Commission will seek to produce a guide to shape the path forward towards a fair, equitable, and just New York City; and
NOW, THEREFORE, by the power vested in me as the Mayor of the City of New York, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Establishment of Commission. The New York City Charter Revision Commission, which has been appointed pursuant to Section 36(4) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, is hereby also established and empowered to act as the New York City Racial Justice Commission, and the composition of the two commissions shall be deemed to be the same.
§ 2. Powers of Commission. In addition to its powers and functions pursuant to Section 36 of the Municipal Home Rule Law and any other applicable law, the Commission shall have the following powers and functions:
to produce a formal report, with recommendations, that includes proposed policy and programmatic changes to the powers, structures, and processes of New York City government that underlie sources of inequity. Such report and recommendations shall in all respects be prepared consistent with this Order and Section 36 of the Municipal Home Rule Law;
to include in its final report, or in other reports and recommendations as the Commission may deem appropriate, proposed policy and programmatic changes that the Commission has not included in its referendum proposals, because (i) the Commission has determined that they should otherwise be implemented locally without a referendum, (ii) the Commission has determined that they should be considered for placement on the ballot in a future referendum; (iii) they require action at the State or federal level; or (iv) they require voluntary action by private individuals or organizations;
to collect and disseminate the information and resources necessary to identify the changes and reforms that will advance racial justice and equity and further the work of dismantling structural racism; and
to hold public hearings, meetings and forums, or other events, and to take other actions, as the Commission determines to be appropriate, in furtherance of its mission.
§ 3. Cooperation. Agencies shall cooperate with the Commission in the exercise of its powers and responsibilities, including providing information and offering assistance in the carrying out of its functions.
§ 4. This Order shall take effect immediately and shall expire on the date of expiration of the terms of office of the members of the Commission pursuant to Section 36(6)(e) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, provided that if such terms expire in 2021 pursuant to such section the Commission shall continue as the New York City Racial Justice Commission and thereafter may exercise any powers and functions conferred by this Order, other than those conferred exclusively by virtue of its appointment pursuant to Section 36 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, through December 31, 2021.
Bill de Blasio,