phone: (646) 709-2570
PIN#80121P0001 - Due: 4/19/2021 3:00 PM
The New York City Economic Development Corporation and the New York City Department of Small Business Services in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer are seeking proposals from internet service providers, broadband infrastructure developers, contractors, manufacturers, and asset managers, and other internet connectivity companies and/or industrial developers with a strong track record of successful deployment in New York City, or other major metropolitan centers, to develop and manage new fiber optic broadband on behalf of the City of New York and to enable new broadband internet service. Respondents must have experience constructing, installing, developing, maintaining, and/or managing broadband infrastructure, in particular, fiber optic infrastructure and/or providing broadband internet services, either as a single entity or a partnership between two or more entities. This Request for Proposals presents an opportunity to provide New Yorkers with affordable broadband access and to lay the foundation for universal broadband in New York City. The solicitation is anticipated to be released during the month of March 2021 on the New York City Department of Small Business Services website located at