This project is subject to prevailing wages and M/WBE goals. The bid due date is September 3, 2020. The DOC is currently operating under safety restriction due to COVID-19. Vendors desiring to drop off their bid packages, must make an appointment. The Pre-Bid meeting will be conducted via teleconference on August 6, 2020, at 11:00 AM. Bidders who will be attending the Pre-Bid must register to receive the teleconference information. Please see Notice of Solicitation attached. The Site Visit will be on August 7, 2020. Please see the Notice of Solicitation for instructions.
The NYC Department of Corrections (DOC) is seeking the services of a qualified contractor to provide construction services for the roof replacement project at the George R. Vierno Center (GRVC). Hard copies of the bid and drawings are available for sale at a cost of $25 at the DOC Headquarters. Please make an appointment with Alvis-Mae Brade-John, if you would like to purchase these documents.