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Contract Award Hearings
Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
6/11/2020 10:00 AM
Public Hearings

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Contract Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, June 11, 2020, at 10:00 AM.  The Public Hearing will be held via Conference Call.  Call-in #: 1-646-992-2010, Access Code: 715 951 139.


IN THE MATTER of a proposed contract between the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and New York Abortion Access Fund, located at P.O. Box 7569, New York, NY 10150, to provide reproductive and sexual health services including treatment, prevention and education on topics ranging from sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and teen pregnancy.  The contract amount shall be $250,000.00.  The contract term shall be from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.  E-PIN #: 81620L0291001.


The proposed contractor is being funded through Line Item/Discretionary Funds Appropriation, pursuant to Section 1-02 (e) of the Procurement Policy Board Rules.


In order to access the Public Hearing and testify, please call 1-646-992-2010, Access Code: 715 951 139 no later than 9:55 AM.  If you need further accommodations, please let us know at least five business days in advance of the Public Hearing via e-mail at or via phone at 1-646-872-0231.



IN THE MATTER of a proposed contract between the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the contractor listed below, for the provision of Master Contractor for Disease Control.  The contract term shall be from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2029.


Contractor/Address                 E-PIN #                  Amount

Public Health Solutions        81620P0004001        $1,206,000,000.00

40 Worth St, 5th Floor

New York, NY 10013


The proposed contractor has been selected by Competitive Sealed Proposal method, pursuant to Section 3-03 of the Procurement Policy Board Rules.


In order to access the Public Hearing and testify, please call 1-646-992-2010, Access Code: 715 951 139 no later than 9:55 AM.  If you need further accommodations, please let us know at least five business days in advance of the Public Hearing via e-mail at or via phone at 1-646-872-0231.

Disclaimer: Pursuant to Section 103 (2) of the New York State General Municipal Law, New York City Charter Section 1066 and the City of New York Procurement Policy Board Rules, The City Record is the official paper of the City of New York. It is published each weekday except legal holidays. The print edition of The City Record is the official publication for the following notices: public hearings, meetings, court notices, property dispositions, procurements (solicitations and awards), agency public hearings, agency rules, and special materials which include changes in personnel. This electronic version of The City Record is offered solely for the convenience of readers.