Forest Management
Project # 5059
"Turkey Mountain"
Project Information/Description: Bid Solicitation for the Sale of Timber and Firewood in the Town of Yorktown, NY. The City of New York will sell approximately 310,970 board feet (International ¼” Rule) of sawtimber and 87 cords of hardwood cordwood through Forest Management Project ID #5059. The products included in this sale are off of Underhill Ave, in Yorktown NY.
Availability of Bid Information: Bid solicitation information is available by calling Dan Lawrence, DEP Forester, at 845-808-1764, or requesting via e-mail at . See reverse of this page for timber volume by species and diameter class.
Show Dates: Prospective bidders must attend one of the two public showings to receive the bid package necessary to submit a valid bid. The showings will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 2:00 PM and Friday, December 6, 2019 at 9:00 AM. Participants should gather at the recreation parking area on Underhill Ave, .4 miles northeast of the intersection with the Taconic Parkway. For those using a GPS, use 858 Underhill Ave Yorktown NY 10598, the access is located directly across the street. Prospective bidders must notify the DEP Forester that they will attend the showing at least 24 hours in advance.
*If you attended a previous showing for this project in 2018, you are not required to attend an additional showing.
Required Contractor Qualifications:
1. To be selected as the Successful Bidder, contractors must have adequate experience, ability and equipment to perform the work as specified in the terms of the bid package. The Successful Bidder must maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation and Disability Benefits Coverage throughout the contract term.
Bid Due Date: All bid proposals must be received by Dan Lawrence, NYCDEP, 1286 Route 6, Carmel, NY 10512 (845-808-1764), NO LATER THAN Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 3:00 PM, local time.
Opening of Bids: Sealed bids will be publicly opened at the DEP Office, 1286 Route 6, Carmel, NY on Friday December 20, 2019 at 9:00 AM, local time. The projected date for awarding the bid is on or about Friday, December 27, 2019.