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Economic Development Corporation (EDC)
One Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, 14th Floor Mailroom, New York, NY 10006
Maryann Catalano
phone: (212) 312-3969
fax: (212) 312-3918
Goods and Services
Request for Information

PIN#6150-00 - Due: 12/19/2019 4:00 PM

The City of New York, through its Department of Cultural Affairs (“DCLA”), and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (“NYCEDC”) are seeking responses to a Request for Expressions of Interest (the “RFEI”) from interested parties (“Respondents”) to operate an Immigrant Research and Performing Arts Center (“IRPAC”) as a part of the Inwood NYC Neighborhood Planning Initiative (“Inwood NYC”).

Inwood NYC is a comprehensive plan to ensure that Inwood remains an affordable, attractive neighborhood for working and immigrant families. One of the priorities identified through this collaborative process was a need for IRPAC as a cultural center to support the artists and cultural organizations of Northern Manhattan. NYCEDC and DCLA jointly seek responses to the RFEI from nonprofit respondents for the operation of IRPAC. The selected operator(s) would work with the City to advise on the capital design and construction of the cultural facility and make a long-term commitment to operating the facility.

NYCEDC and DCLA plan to select one or more operators on the basis of factors stated in the RFEI which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, the readiness of respondent to begin operation, financial capacity and plan, and respondent experience.

It is the policy of NYCEDC to comply with all federal, state and City laws and regulations which prohibit unlawful discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status and other protected category and to take affirmative action in working with contracting parties to ensure certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) share in the economic opportunities generated by NYCEDC’s projects and initiatives.

Companies who have been certified with the New York City Department of Small Business Services as Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (“M/WBE”) are strongly encouraged to apply. To learn more about M/WBE certification and NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, please visit Please refer to the Equal Employment and Affirmative Compliance for Non-Construction Contracts Addendum in the RFEI.

Respondents may submit questions and/or request clarifications from NYCEDC no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. Questions regarding the subject matter of this RFP should be directed to Answers to all questions will be posted by Wednesday, October 16, 2019, to

To download a copy of the solicitation documents please visit Please submit two (2) hard copies and two (2) digital copies (on USB drives) of your expression of interest.

Disclaimer: Pursuant to Section 103 (2) of the New York State General Municipal Law, New York City Charter Section 1066 and the City of New York Procurement Policy Board Rules, The City Record is the official paper of the City of New York. It is published each weekday except legal holidays. The print edition of The City Record is the official publication for the following notices: public hearings, meetings, court notices, property dispositions, procurements (solicitations and awards), agency public hearings, agency rules, and special materials which include changes in personnel. This electronic version of The City Record is offered solely for the convenience of readers.