150 Greenwich Street, 37th Floor, New York, NY 10007
Adrienne Williams phone: 9292215443 email: williamsadri@dss.nyc.gov
Human Services/Client Services
Negotiated Acquisition
Intent to Award
PIN#07107R0005CNVN004 Due:
This NAE will allow 2136 Crotona Parkway to continue services and to prevent any disruption in services for this fragile population.
*For Informational Purposes Only*
DHS intends to enter into a Negotiated Acquisition Extension with 2136 Crotona Parkway, HDFC for provision of shelter services at Sojourner Truth family shelter. The contract term shall 7/1/2019-6/30/2020. E-PIN:07106R0014CNVN004. Contract Amount: $2,174,302