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PIN#8502019VP0002P Due:
Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort) Disclosure Filing (formerly known as Vendor Information Exchange System (VENDEX) Forms or Certificate of No Change).
All organizations intending to do business with the City of New York must complete a disclosure process in order to be considered for a contract. This disclosure process was formerly completed using Vendor Information Exchange System (VENDEX) paper-based forms. Beginning in summer 2017, the City of New York will move collection of vendor disclosure information online. In anticipation of awards, proposers to Resident Engineering Inspection Services for the Reconstruction of Far Rockaway and Urban Design Street Scape, Borough of Queens must create online accounts in the new Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort) and file all disclosure information when the system becomes available. Paper submissions, including certifications of no changes to existing VENDEX packages will not be accepted in lieu of complete online filings. For more information about PASSPort, please visit