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Notice of Public Hearing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSITIONS PUBLIC HEARING, in accordance with Section 824 of the New York City Charter, will be held on March 28, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., 1 Centre Street, 20th Floor Conference Room D, Borough of Manhattan,
IN THE MATTER OF a lease for the City of New York, as tenant, of a portion of the fourteenth (14th) floor of the building located at 211 East 43rd Street, Borough of Manhattan (Block 1317, Lot 7) for Community Board No. 6 to use as an office, or for such other use as the Commissioner of the Department of Citywide Administrative Services may determine.
The proposed use was approved by the City Planning Commission pursuant to NYC Charter Section 195 on January 31, 2018 (CPC Appl. No. N180168 PXM, Public Hearing Cal. No. 4).
The proposed lease shall be for ten (10) years and four (4) months commencing upon the earlier of the date Tenant takes physical occupancy of the demised premises or Substantial Completion of alterations and improvements. Rent shall commence four (4) months after the Commencement Date at $139,374.00 per annum for the next five years; then $151,389.00 for the final five years, payable in equal monthly installments at the end of each month.
Landlord shall make alterations and improvements at its sole cost and expense as per a scope of work.
IN THE MATTER OF a lease for the City of New York, as tenant, of space on part of the fourteenth floor and the entire fifteenth floor of the building located at 233 Broadway (Block 123, Lot 1001) in the Borough of Manhattan for the Law Department to use as an office.
The proposed lease shall be for a period of twelve (12) years and four (4) months from the Substantial Completion of alterations and improvements, at an annual rent of $1,832,475 for the first five (5) years, $2,005,350 for the following five (5) years, and $2,178,225 for the last two (2) years and four (4) months, payable in equal monthly installments at the end of each month. Rent will be abated for the entire premises for the first four (4) months of the lease term.
The Tenant shall have the right to renew the lease for two additional lease terms of five (5) years each at 100% of the then Fair Market Value of the premises, as further defined in the lease.
The Landlord shall prepare final architectural plans and engineering plans and make alterations and improvements in accordance with preliminary architectural plans and specifications which are attached to the lease. The alterations and improvements consist of Base Building Work, which the landlord shall provide at its sole cost and expense, and Tenant Work. The total cost of the Tenant Work shall not exceed $6,162,702.00 of which the Landlord shall contribute $1,867,635.00 and the balance will be paid by the Tenant.
Further information, including public inspection of the proposed lease may be obtained at One Centre Street, Room 2000 North, New York, N.Y. 10007. To schedule an inspection, please contact Chris Fleming at (212) 386-0315.
Individuals requesting Sign Language Interpreters/Translators should contact the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services, Public Hearings Unit, 253 Broadway, 9th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10007, (212) 788-7490, no later than TEN (10) BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. TDD users should call VERIZON relay services.