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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Contract Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, February 15, 2018, in Spector Hall, 22 Reade Street, Main Floor, Borough of Manhattan, commencing at 10:00 AM on the following:
IN THE MATTER of a proposed contract between the Department of Sanitation and Denali Water Solutions LLC, located on 3308 Bernice Avenue, Russellville, AK 72802, to Operate New York City Composting Facilities and provide related services. The term of the contract shall be for five years from the Notice to Proceed for service with two three-year renewal options. The total amount is $34,000,000.00. PIN #: 82718SW0006,
E-PIN #: 82718P001001.
The proposed contractor has been selected by Competitive Sealed Proposal method, pursuant to Section 3-03 of the Procurement Policy Board Rules.
A draft copy of the proposed contract is available for public inspection from February 2, 2018 to February 15, 2018, excluding weekends and Holidays, at the Department of Sanitation’s Contract Division, 44 Beaver Street, 2nd Floor, Room 203, New York, NY 10004.