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Education (NYCDOE)
Contracts and Purchasing
65 Court Street, Room 1201, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Vendor Hotline
phone: 7189352107

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Wheelchair Accessible
Goods and Services
Competitive Sealed Bids

PIN#B2929040 Due:

The New York City Department of Education (DOE) strives to give all businesses, including Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs), an equal opportunity to compete for DOE procurements. The DOE’s mission is to provide equal access to procurement opportunities for all qualified vendors, including MWBEs, from all segments of the community. The DOE works to enhance the ability of MWBEs to compete for contracts. DOE is committed to ensuring that MWBEs fully participate in the procurement process.
Contractor shall provide all labor, material and supervision required and necessary to test, maintain, repair, modify, make addition to or install Public Address Systems, local sound systems and associated equipment in auditoriums, gymnasiums, cafeterias, classrooms, offices, multi-purpose rooms (e.g., gymatoriums), and other spaces and locations, including but not limited to hallways, stairwells and outdoor areas.

There will be a Pre-Bid Conference on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 12:30 P.M., at 65 Court Street, 12th Floor, Conference Room 1201, Brooklyn, New York 11201.

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For all questions related to this RFB, please e-mail with the RFB number and title in the subject line of your e-mail.

Disclaimer: Pursuant to Section 103 (2) of the New York State General Municipal Law, New York City Charter Section 1066 and the City of New York Procurement Policy Board Rules, The City Record is the official paper of the City of New York. It is published each weekday except legal holidays. The print edition of The City Record is the official publication for the following notices: public hearings, meetings, court notices, property dispositions, procurements (solicitations and awards), agency public hearings, agency rules, and special materials which include changes in personnel. This electronic version of The City Record is offered solely for the convenience of readers.