The City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation (”Parks”) has awarded a concession to Tarek M. Elhashash of 233 Adams Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10306, for the operation of a mobile concession for the sale of swimming pool related merchandise at the entrance to the Astoria Park Pool, Astoria Park, in the borough of Queens, NY. The concession, which was solicited by a Request for Bids, will operate pursuant to a permit agreement for one (1) five- season (5) term. Compensation to the City is as follows: in each operating season of the permit, permittee shall pay the City a minimum flat fee (Season 1: $12,000; Season 2: $14,000.00; Season 3: $16,000.00; Season 4: $18,000.00; Season 5: $20,000.00).