The City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation (”Parks”) has awarded a concession to The Food Vendors Committee of Red Hook Park, Inc. of 79 Parsons Avenue, Freeport NY, 11520 for the operation of an ethnic and specialty food market at Red Hook Park: adjacent to Soccer Field #1 at Bay, Clinton, Court, and Halleck Streets, Brooklyn, NY. The concession, which was solicited by a Request for Proposals, will operate pursuant to a license agreement for a six (6) year term. Compensation to the City is as follows: in each operating year of the permit, permittee shall pay the City a minimum annual fee (Year 1: $10,500.00; Year 2: $11,025.00; Year 3: $11,576.25; Year 4: $12,155.06; Year 5: $12,762.82; Year 6: $13,400.96).