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Title: Public Notice 30 Day Public Comment Period and Public Hearing Date for Proposed 2014 Consolidated Plan One-Year Action Plan
Special Materials
City Planning (DCP)
Housing Economic and Infrastructure Planning
10/3/2013 - 10/17/2013

NYC Department of City Planning announces the PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD and PUBLIC HEARING for the Proposed 2014 Consolidated Plan. The thirty-day PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD will begin on OCTOBER 10, 2013, and will end NOVEMBER 8, 2013.


A PUBLIC HEARING will be held on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013, beginning at 2:30 p.m. at 22 Reade Street, Spector Hall, New York, N.Y. 10007. The Public Hearing will be followed by a question and answer session with City agency representatives in attendance.


The 2014 Proposed Consolidated Plan contains the City's annual application for four U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Planning and Development programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA).


Proposed Funding allocations for 2014 are as follows: CDBG $220 million; HOME $57.812 million; ESG $10.921 million; and, HOPWA $53.533 million. This totals $342.273 million which will be used to meet the housing, homeless assistance, supportive housing services and community development needs within the City of New York in 2014.


The 2014 Proposed Consolidated Plan consists of three volumes: Volume 1. Contains an Executive Summary that provides an overview of the proposed use of entitlement grant dollars during the calendar year and the public’s comments to the proposal and the Action Plan: One-Year Use of Funds; Volume 2. Contains the City’s Supportive Housing Continuum of Care for the Homeless and Other Non-Homeless Special Needs Populations, and Other Actions, which are the statutory requirements of the Cranston-Gonzalez Housing Act’s Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy; and Volume 3. Summary of Citizens’ Comments, and Appendices.


To obtain a free copy of the 2014 Proposed Consolidated Plan, please visit the City Planning Bookstore, 22 Reade Street, New York, N.Y. (Monday 12 pm to 4:00 pm, Tuesday thru Friday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm).


Copies of the document can also be obtained at the following Department of City Planning Offices:



1 Fordham Plaza, 5th fl.      

Bronx, New York 10458

(718) 220-8500



16 Court Street, 7th fl.

Brooklyn, New York 11241

(718) 643-7550



120-55 Queens Boulevard, Room 201

Queens, New York 11424

(718) 286-3170



130 Stuyvesant Place, 6th fl.

Staten Island, New York 10301

(718) 556-7240


Also, the Proposed Plan will be made available for downloading through the internet via the Department’s website at


Furthermore, copies of the Proposed 2014 Consolidated Plan will be available for review at the main public library in each of the five boroughs. Please call (212) 720-3337 for information on the closest library.


Written comments may be sent by close of business, November 8, 2013 to: Charles V. Sorrentino, New York City Consolidated Plan Coordinator, Department of City Planning, 22 Reade Street, 4N New York, New York 10007 FAX: (212) 720-3495, email:

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